Ilya's Photography

Birds, cats, cool rocks, and more (birds).

If it looked pretty and I managed to get it in focus before it ran (or flew) off, it'll be somewhere on this page. I'm afraid I cannot give professional advice; I shoot with a "Nikon COOLPIX P1000" that I have permanently set to bird mode.

I now also have an Instagram!

"Mom said I can keep the mohawk for my grad photos."
Mysore, India

Sky Doggo

Sky Doggo Wing
Mysore, India

When You Nap at 3pm and Forget The Concept of Time
Mysore, India

If you're a Google employee looking at this, can you ask the Google Sites team why resizing images

is so slow? It makes uploading and aligning pictures really hard. Thanks. Also this is a woodpecker or something idk (Princeton, NJ).


San Diego Zoo, California

San Diego Zzzz

"I looked forward in time. I saw 14,000,604 futures."

San Diego Zoo, California

"You know I don't take these kinds of cases anymore, John."

Princeton, New Jersey


GRAAAWK, grawk


Princeton, New Jersey

This Camera Does Macro Photos if You Stand Far Enough Away

Princeton, New Joisey

A Goose By Any Other Name Would Quack Just as Loud
Los Angeles County, California

Who is Allen and Why Does He Have So Many Birds
Los Angeles County, California

The Mountains are Calling About Your Car's Extended Warranty
Death Valley National Park, Nevadafornia

Sky Sprinkles
Death Valley National Park, Californevada

Sweet Dreams are Made of Fish
San Diego, California

 Gaze for Long Into a Bird, the Bird Gazes Also Into You
San Diego, California

You Won't Believe This 1 Easy Trick to Lose an Arm
Project Survival Cat Haven, Kings Canyon, California

Project Survival Cat Haven, Kings Canyon, California

That One Bridge
That One Place with a Bridge

Never Regret Seeing an Egret
Marin County, California

Gorilla Holding Second, Smaller Gorilla
Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle, WA

Weaver Bird, Presumably Weaving
Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle, WA

Steller's Sea Eagle
Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle, WA

Same Eagle, Less Stellar

I Feel Like Lemur and Demur Should Rhyme
Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle, WA

Ontario's Provincial Flower is the Trillium, These Are Not Them
Seattle, WA

Aesthetically Plump Squirrel
Seattle, WA

Red Pandas are Evolutionarily Closer to Seals Than To Bears
Zoodland Park Woo, Seattle, WA

Don't Talk to Me or My Pelican Son, Ever Again
San Diego, CA

A Flock of Carrot Noses
San Diego, CA

A Renaissance Painting in Seal
San Diego, CA